When exporting a collection as a 'Multiple flies (zip)' your computer's file explorer will order the documents alphabetically by their filename. If you wish to maintain the custom order that the collection documents have been given, then this can be done when exporting using the advanced options.

Exporting a Collection Using Sortable Numeric Prefix

Step 1: Click on the three dot icon next to the collection you wish to export and select the 'Export' option from the menu.

Step 2: In the Export collection dialogue, change the 'Export as' option to 'Multiple files (zip)'.

Exporting using the 'Single PDF' option will keep the documents in the custom order without needing to follow Step 3.

Step 3: In 'Advanced options' under the 'Zip folder tab', enable the 'Sortable numeric prefix option'.

Complete the export and download the files as seen in the Exporting Trial Exhibit Bundles article.

Step 4: Observe the exported zip file of documents to see the custom order retained due to the numeric prefix added to the filename.