PCF Files

  • PCF (Portable Case Format) files include text, annotations, and tags; they do not include exhibits or videos.

Uploading a PCF file

Uploading a PCF is similar to the process of uploading a transcript.

  1. In your project navigate to Documents.
  2. Click the Upload button and select Upload transcript.

  3. Drag & drop or use Browse for files to add the desired PCF file.
  4. From the upload dialogue box, click the icon beside Folder and select the destination folder.

  5. Once the PCF file is selected, fill out the relevant information on the left-hand side (if required).
    1. There will be a toggle in the bottom left for importing notes.
    2. There will be a File encoding dropdown in the top right.
  6. Navigate to the Note mapping tab.
  7. Use the lefthand drop downs to make choice selections regarding note mapping: 
    The imported notes can be extracted into different areas of the system but, as below, there are typical settings used.
    • Selected Worksheet: The worksheet into which the imported notes will be added (usually Designations)
    • Highlighted text: Text in documents fields applicable to transcripts in selected worksheet listed (usually Designation)
    • Note: Only long text fields in selected worksheet listed (usually Objection Notes)
    • Issues: Only tag fields in selected worksheet listed (usually Tags)
    • Created date: Only date/time fields in selected worksheet listed (The system ‘Date added’ field will be populated with the date/time the file was uploaded)
  8. If there is any associated media to be uploaded, drag & drop (or browse for) the media file(s) into the dialogue box.
  9. Click on Upload to process the PCF.
  10. There will be green pop-up notifications to confirm the upload, and the file will appear in the table.

  11. When opened in the Transcript Viewer, the notes will appear in the righthand margin and the associated text will be highlighted.