‘Views’ refers to the ability to save a specific configuration of filters, sort orders and display settings, either for private use or to be shared with other project users. You can create views for both worksheets and the documents page. Views created for a worksheet are unique to that worksheet only. 

Views can serve as a useful means of separating out data based on contextual importance. Some projects with large numbers of metadata fields on the documents page, or with worksheets that have been configured with a complex structure, incorporating multiple remote fields or subtypes, may benefit from using views to organize the content. 

Creating and saving Views 

Creating a view means saving the display on the screen in front of you as it currently looks. Any sorting, filtering, hiding and expanding of fields should already be in place when a new view is created. Creating a view gives users an easy way to return to that display configuration. 

For example, you may have a worksheet with a long list of individuals who are related to a list of events in a separate worksheet. If you wanted to see only the individuals who were related to one or two specific events, you could create a filter based on the role of the individual and expand the worksheet to include certain fields from the worksheet describing the event. If you wanted to be able to return to this worksheet display configuration later, without having to recreate your filters and expansionsyou would create a view. 

A new view is created from the ‘Views’ button in the main worksheet menu. Selecting ‘Create View’ from the drop-down menu opens the Create View dialog box.  

view must have a name and can also have a color to make it identifiable in a long list of views. Best practice is to give the view a name that makes it easy to identify what it is displaying (rather than, say, ‘John’s view’ or ‘View 03/07/2023’).  

By default, views are accessible to all project users, but this can be restricted to named users or groups only. Selecting only your own username will make the view private. 

Views can be saved to any container that has been created using the ‘Manage Views’ option (see below). Toggling on ‘Quick Access’ makes the view immediately available for selection in the main drop-down menu. Without Quick Access enabled, a view can be accessed from the ‘More Views’ option in the drop-down menu. 

Managing Views 

The ‘Manage Views dialog lets you categorize Views that have been created into containers. For example, on the documents page there may be views related to transcript management, views related to specific witnesses and statements and views related to email threads. If a project has many views created, it can be useful to categorize these further.  

Category containers can be named, given a unique color and nested into sub containers. If you want to move a view from one container to another you can edit the location of the view in this dialog.  

You can delete containersIf a container is deleted, all views contained within it will also be deleted. Once a container and any views held in it have been deleted, they cannot be retrieved again. 

A category applies across the whole project. This means you can put views created for the documents page and those created for different worksheets into the same category. If you are looking at a worksheet, all views created for all worksheets are available to switch between on from the ‘Views’ drop-down menu, but views related to the documents page are hidden. Likewise, if you are working on the documents page and click on the ‘Views’ menu, all views created for the documents page will be available, but views related to worksheets will be hidden.